

Sätt din musik på blanda. Klicka på nästa knappen efter varje fråga. Använd sångtiteln som svar på frågan.

1. How does the world see me? Seven day weekend
2. Will I have a happy life? Boys in the band
3. What do people really think of me? Feel Good
4. What is my day going to be like? Beat heart
5. Do people secretly lust after me? London Calling
6. How can I make myself happy? Dance, dance, dance
7. Best song to describe my hidden sexuality? 2008
8. What song will be played on my wedding? Lady don't fall backwards
9. What will be my last thought before I die? A-punk
10. What song will play at my funeral? If you'll stay in my past - part 2
11. What should I do with my life? Get Lucky
12. Will I ever have children? Bulletproof
13. What type of Man do you like? Doubt
14. What is some good advice for me? Campaigne of hate
15. What do I think my current theme song is? A Certain Romance
16. What does everyone else think my current theme song is? She
17. Why am I here? You got it all... wrong
18. What will people remember me for? Rien de rien
19. What song will I get stuck in my head tomorrow? Med ena foten utanför
20. Are there people outside waiting to take me away? Delivery
21. What will this year be all about? Animal- fake blood
22. Why was I ever born? Such great heights
23. With accompany of which song was I made? An ocean within
24. With what song I'm gonna lose/ I lost my virginity? Calm under the waves
25. For what I'd kill someone? The heart of life
26. What is the most precious thing in my room? Guess who's gonna get some tonight
27. What song will I fall asleep to? L.I.F.E.G.O.E.S.O.N
28. What is the best song to describe my school mates? V för Vandetta
29. I feel so... One
30. Of what am I afraid? Oh Lord! When? How?
31. My favourite quote: Naive
32. I like to... Quicksand
33. I wanna ... Rise up in the dirt
34. ... me Scenic world
35. What do I wanna do now? Cut your hair
36. What do I actually desire? Love is a battlefield
37. What would I do to take over the world? It's no good
38. My greatest desire? Do I have your attention?
39. I have "Firecracker" in my pants!
40. Wanna have for X-mas: Are you hurting the one you love?
41. I like to lick: I wish
42. I would say "nevermind me" to my first love
43. Wanna screw... Be my baby

Känns fantastiskt att sitta på Bilddagboken och hitta listor. Så himla roligt. Jag är ledig från och med nu, till måndag.

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